A Sociology Professor Does Not Understand Child Free Living

A Sociology Professor Does Not Understand Child Free Living


Childfree living in becoming more common not just in the United States, but all around the world. We’ve seen increased news and social media coverage trending, which is great in raising awareness.

However, some of the Childfree news and viewpoints really makes you scratch your head. Bagong Suryanto, a Sociology Professor in Indonesia, came to this conclusion:

“So, if a woman announces that she does not want to have children, that is a new development. It’s legal to do so. It’s just that at a certain point later, I’m sure the longing to have children will emerge.”

-Professor Bagong

Wait what?! Is he being serious?

He’s going on record stating that he’s sure woman choosing to not have children will long to have one?

How can you possibly say that? There are many woman (and men for that matter) that choose to not have children and never have emerging longing feelings.

Professor Bagong went on to say the reasons couples are Childfree stem from two main reasons.

One reason is that woman want to have a successful career and a child can hinder the professional advancement. Ok check! That makes sense and aligns with normal critical thinking and logic.

The second is age related. But here’s where his thinking loses water: It’s not because woman are biologically too old to have children. He claims couples are too young and waiting for maturity. Obviously this doesn’t make sense. If you’re waiting to have children, but ultimately have one, you’re not Childfree.

Unfortunately the Professor is missing the mark when it comes to Childfree living by choice. People want the Childfree Lifestyle that comes with it. They want the personal freedom and financial freedom and it’s a well thought through decision for most. I reject the idea that those that choose to be Childfree will have a longing to have children someday.

You can see read the full report here: http://news.unair.ac.id/en/2021/08/26/professor-bagong-views-childfree-phenomenon-as-a-new-women-development/

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