Is France Really Going Child Free?

Is France Really Going Child Free?

There’s a new Child Free push in France, but this time it’s for a very specific reason: Over Population.

Yes, with July 11th being World Population Day, citizens of France have been expressing their concerns of the number of people in this world and have been making a strong stance on their views of being Child Free.

So what’s the connection between over population and being Child Free? The thought is that every additional person that is brought into this world will demand and need more resources, which leads to more CO2, which then leads to higher temperature across the globe.

Climate change gets a lot of attention in the media and the focus is all about using clean energy and ditching fossil fuels. But we’re finally starting to see people make the connection that as the number of people in the world increases, it will have an increased demand on the need for fossil fuels.

We’re getting close to 8 billion people in the world. The more people we have, the more fossil fuels will be required. True climate change activists will acknowledge that having a child will have a significant impact on the climate compared to any other actions they take to mitigate their carbon footprint.

I wrote all about this on the blog

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